Sunday, May 30, 2010

Double Dose of Geddy

Yup thats two D's (not T's) for a double dose of that pimpin!

If you've seen Getty skate in person, you already know how mind blowing the dude is. Brandon keeps it fast, controlled, and stylish at all times. I'm pretty psyched that i get a chance to skate with this dude on a regular basis; pro or not pro, this dude is one of my favorites to watch.

The fist dose is a short clip filmed by Getty's little (but huge, Ivan Drako lookin dude) brother Cameron. Simple but stylish clip. I'm sure this thing off the side of the road was pretty sketch to skate.

Sunday from cameron getty on Vimeo.

This second video is something I alluded to quite awhile ago. Brandon and his SC homies put together this lo-tech, hi-fun video. Brandon films, edits, skates, but mostly kills shit in this truly DIY feeling vid. good from brandon getty on Vimeo.


Kay Oh said...

ahhhhahahahaha, i loved it. getty kills

Geo said...

Best Backside Feeble out of Stockton.

bighead said...

@ geo your damn straight tall man!

Anonymous said...

i was skating with this foo a day before i got injured haha
