Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Complete Slip Skate Shop Video Online!

Slip Skate Shop's first video effort "Crying Kids and Man Hammers," was the first local full length video to be released in Stockton, Ca. If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and take advantage of the free streaming version online.

Click Here to Watch!

Alex Lopez Promo Footy

If you haven't seen Alex in the last couple local games of skate; your missing something pretty special. Alex's shop sponsor, Kingpin Skate Shop, released this little video gem leading up to their video premier which is rumored to be released on April 2o, 2009.
Keep an eye on Alex, dude kills it.

Alex lopez jan 2009 from kingpinss on Vimeo.

Riding Shotgun Stickers Coming Very Soon...

Don't get caught slipping without a new sticker for your shiny new blank. Thats what the kids ride these days right? These stickers will make you have like 75% more fun... read the sticker chumps.