Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Terry from 2006

I'm gonna be real wit' ya'll for a minute here. This video put Terry on my radar when I saw it. I randomly caught this on one of those "you might wanna watch" on youtube and I saw major potential in this kid. The smith 180s, wallride downtown, and ollie over the garbage can made me think he was gonna be sick.

Nowadays, I get my feelings hurt daily by Terry's skateboarding. No matter where we go people take notice and I'm proud to say that he's from Stockton, CA and watch the fuck out for his next vid part droppin in the summer.

Hail Skatan Terry!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Terry had hit me up talking about posting this back up. Im glad i saved it on a CD. I had to delete the other because of youtube and theyre "copyright" rules. So far theres no problem with the song so i guess its in the clear. But i feel exactly the same way you do on what you wrote Big Head. Terry is a ripper


Anonymous said...

hahahahah right on this is tight
