Friday, January 29, 2010


So in the blazing summer of 2009 Bighead took Brandon Getty to Fresno for a couple days of skating and hiking in Yosemite.

It was a fun trip and great experience for them but all the footage sat around waiting to be used for something. I found it and figured, why not? It's good stuff (all footage of brandon is good stuff) Plus we got a Winter 2010 edit from Fresno comin pretty soon.

So here is Fresn09, starring Brandon, Bighead, and Jake, homie and Fresno tour guide!

Fresn09 from RIDING SHOTGUN on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

damn that looks fun. never been skating out there. that skate park looks sick and the hiking looks hella fun.


Anonymous said...

MAN!!!! Looks like a fun trip for sure!!!! sick spots park and camping is always fun!!!!


Brandon Getty said...

best swimming hole ever and a great trip all around. glad this edit finally surfaced!

Anonymous said...

your laggin whats up with
fresno 10??


shotgunjockey said...

its not mine to edit, thats on nick and his editing program is hatin!