Friday, May 20, 2011

more loons hype

Vince and the fine youth of Stockton, Ca


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaa, "you're 13.. Nah, I swear im turning 14!.. So you're 13," lmfao!!

Anonymous said...

"you gonna give me a slice of that pizza?" "nope, i sure am not." i liked that one

Anonymous said...

wtf dis guy sux he cant even noslide

Anonymous said...

That hater sounds like this washed up Kenny Powers-ass mark beez named kyle Barr, lmao, he musta been so Sheen'd out he fergot how to spell noseslide. Mike can definetely noseslide.. if he's tryin one. You, My friend are the king of a "no-slide," no slidin for you, just surfing..Your couch..

Anonymous said...

Smooth Keith... so smooth how that rolled off ur tongue..

Anonymous said...

really whack

Anonymous said...

Henslord "quotes"

Anonymous said...

then why put out teasers then? just keep it to yourselves if you don't care about everybody. why put in the extra work? why the hype?

Anonymous said...

My apologies for the super hype-hole Anonymous, and Keith. We're definitely workin on the premier and gettin everything ready, but for now I made up another quick throwaway montage today friends..

This one has footage from probably about 2004 or '05, to present footage mixed all around, from only the El Dorado and Spanos Skateparks, filmed by Rob Willis, Vince, Agore, me, and a lot of other people probably. You'll be able to tell how old some of it is for sure Hehe, super lil Nate to bigger Nate.. Had to do it.

-Matt Mandich

Anonymous said...

That was sick. lookin forward to the vid