Monday, August 16, 2010

Table skateboarding

So, bighead has been very busy lately with other skateboard type endeavors and work, and I have just gotten back from tour with my band so I promise updates are on the way very soon!

Until then, we got Tony B, holdin us down with a table montage from the other day. Camera is lookin real good Tony!


Anonymous said...

tony went hd?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who else thinks that film looks a lot more better than hd?

Anonymous said...

not me

Anonymous said...

what camera is this?

Anonymous said...

i filmed this with the sanyo vpc fh1


Anonymous said...

tonys camera on a tripod is bout ta shit on fooooos. wen levonte did the nollie lip u could see wat that shit can do, how it blurred into focus hella tight. he didnt even mean to and its sick.