In recent memory, I cannot remember a time where someone didn't complain about a spot.
Usually I hear people say any spot is too small, too boring, you don't have a trick for this, played out, but the worst excuse ever is; the spot is not worth filming on. I can remember a time not too long ago when just being a skateboard was enough. We didn't have the luxury of driving spot to spot, but we got where ever we needed to on those same flat spotted four wheels. The whole city was just one huge skate spot. There was joy in a simple ollie of a curb, or pushing as fast as possible down the street. No ipods, no obnoxious shop beef, just friends cruising spot to spot.
Another thing I hear to frequently, is kids not going for broke until they go out of town. It seems as though everyone is in a great big hurry to leave town and get gnarly. The problem is not much has gone down on the gnarly spots we have already. To my knowledge, the gnarliest thing to go down the California gap has probably been Xavier's laser flip (that is at least what was rumored). Why not a switch bigheel, switch tre, or nollie tre? Can anyone tell me why Janoski and Worrest are getting footage at spots before the locals?
We have spots here and quality spots at that. Off the top of my head I can name Kohl, Wilson Way Ledge, Bank of America March Lane, Eight Mile barrier spot, California gap, St. Marks Plaza double set, Edison High, Stagg High, Lincoln High, Courthouse, Secret Brookside ledge, Ladds Pole Jam, Creekside Stage (ledge), Crackhead banks, Delta Sierra five rail, Bear Creek Stage and benches, etc. and do I really need to bring up Mcnair? That place is amazing.
I know there is the argument that a lot has been done at these spots. True, but the real problem is way more can be done on these spots, and its up to the skateboarders in this city to push skateboarding to that place where some really crazy things is being done on these spots. The problem is, kids are doing all their "go to" tricks at these skateparks, and saving all the really crazy experimental stuff for the skatepark. That just feels so backward to me.
Enough is enough. Respect your city, respect your spots, and try harder at your local spots. Get comfortable and get gnarly, its just that simple. So the next time your in a hurry to pack your bags and jump in your big homie's car for the skate trip, don't do it. Skate in town, and do something more than that go to treflip.
you know im always down to skate stockton i drive from an hour away just to skate it love the stockton spots!!!!
no complaints here
if you appreciate the city, you know who you are. If you don't then this message definitely goes out to you...
"I can remember a time not too long ago when just being a skateboard was enough."
gettin' metaphysical bro. The stockton skate scene is dying a sad, cold, lonely death and I think we all know the murder weapon... bad. being on a skateboard. but you knew what i meant
Anyone who doesn't like the seen probably has their reasons,and anyone likes it has theirs.I just skateboard enough said..........And now also like making ramps.
I've always loved stockton. at least we don't live in antarctica. i bet spots in antarctica suck. i do wish that the lincoln planters were still around, though. i've always felt like that spot defined stocktons earlier skate scene...for me at least.
antarctica spots are good lincoln planters suck
i see the waterfront manual pad and the ports stadium 7 just in this pic and its only a section of stockton
r.i.p. planters
d brooks
chyea! mad spots in town but the only thing is that the dopest ones are in the straight hood and ya'll are scared to go to them, and you for sure cant roll with the PSP BSA mob. we crush city wide. I could tell you streets but I'm sure you've never heard of em. and who ever the fuck said skating is dyin a sad, cold, lonely death?? naw nigga.. thats just your skating, dont be mad cause you cant progress. and who ever said the lincoln planters were wack should get slapped the fuck down. that spot is legendary even tony hawk got footy there. Also mike carrol and the whole H street crew skatede there AND Al bones back yard ramp in the first H street video. 95% of you motherfuckers on here dont even know what your talkin about so either go out and sission or go join a band and hang out at coffe shops squars.
couldn't have said it any better...
ras for president.
lets skate vince im trying to go to those spots son
chris wilson
Any time chris you know that bro!!And thanks my man big head I'm just tryin to let people know whats up just like you are. But anyway the weather is here for some good skate days to go down and I know the crew and I are always ready. We just finished the Loons & Tycoons teaser last night and the shit is ten minutes long!! JUST THE TEASER!! and its already the illest stockton video put out since "Juice" witch was the first Stockton skate company that some of the old school skaters put together and made boards out the house with Bone, Berry, STEFAN JANOISKY, and all the other old school killers (coop, twan, mezee, fowler, chya, to name a FEW. It took us a while on the video cause we just had so much footy and much more crazy shit for the official video, alot I've never even seen before and was really pumped on how much we have and the quality of the filming and skating. Its time to finish up the filmin and crush the city off. Who's down?
Ras Boi!!!!
any time chris you know that!! And thanks my man big head I'm just tryin to tell em whats up just like you bro. we got the Loons&Tycoons teaser is done and its ten minutes long!!!! ten minute teaser??? yeah nigga, you'll all see it soon but just wait for the official video.
one other thing:that picture up there at the top of the page is a photo of where me and my niggas repped for alot of years.
courthouse posse:ill will nino,ray clinkenbeard,chiyah chanta,lothang soupanthong,chris fowler,mikejay,nick jay,tee jay,alex herrara,gizmo,rob willis,ceeg,antwaun,dre,kenny navarro really did some work,chad lathrop,henry flores,proski,ted aguilar,eric serpa,mikey perkins, hella muthafuckas,chris cooper,jimmy robinson,evil coop,eastside will,cocky maki,nez,mando,cool roc,cess blunt jay,dustin lopez from vacaville,stefan janoski,brandon,mario herrara,asian sammy,saul,vince salvi,icf joey,icf chris,rehab,luis,gr crew,uc crew,and a bunch more i can't think of off top but you all know if you was there,you know what time it is. oh yeah,vicky. the craziest bum lady ever. she was mad cool too. fuck you cardman. scary ass nigga!
thats skate history right there....i got some old footy of niggas getting it on back then too. circa:1992-1998. courthouse posse still lives on strong. ask somebody.
thought i was playin? thanks mezee for really puttin it straight and naming everyone i couldnt. thats real stockton skateboarding.
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