Episode 1: Words of Motivation and Hateration, Filming With Kenny O
Prepare to be completely bummed. If you were looking to watch some HD Quality footage of bigflips filmed with a Ty Evans side pan, do yourself a favor and do not watch this. This is a little low budget webisode I put together for the gun.
This was filmed on my small budget camera. Just another late night of filming whilst talking tons of shit. If you haven't ever filmed with Kenny this is what its like...
haha wth will
that slow motion is freddy cougar status
honestly i get sick of kenny in person
this is a waste of tape
comment above...
its a good thing it was all digital. Waste of tape... Completely. Waste of memory... not so much.
As Austin said in the end. "He's just having fun."
that comment was quite bold for an anonymous writer.
haha, it cant be helped bighead. theres always gonna be "those" kind of people in this world.
hahaha id get sick of me too, having to look at such a handsome devil all the time then getting really bummed after looking in a mirror. Can't help it, i was born beautiful
-Anonymous Kenny
i was the one who he was talking about and i didnt get annoyed at all...Chris
kenny is retardedly gay...STOCKTON BIEETCH!!
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