Sunday, December 20, 2009


As you may have noticed the blog title bar looks a little different. In honor of Slip's reopening today, the bar will be that way all week long. Whether you agree or disagree with the endorsement, it's hard to disagree with 12 long years of business; 12 years battling with the likes of Copeland's, other privately owned shops, and recently those god awful mall shops. Eric Torres has dedicated a large portion of his lifetime serving the skateboarders of Stockton, CA. I for one am adamantly appreciative of this service.

Just in case you forgot....

This little project is still in the works.

The Great Disaster Promo: Slip Skate Shop Video #2 from RIDING SHOTGUN on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

editing looks like little kids did it

Anonymous said...

haha someones jealous

Anonymous said...

honestly it really does

shotgunjockey said...

start contributing your expertly produced videos then mr. anonymous, or would that expose you out of obscure comment hating?

thank you for supporting riding shotgun!