Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ivyn's Halloween Treat

Ivyn is probably one of the nicest dudes in the Stockton skate scene. Always cordial, always smiling, and always letting everyone know they're killing it. Ivyn has also been contributing quite a bit as of late, which just gives him more points on the nice guy list. Watch, learn, enjoy, and maybe even smile; like Ivyn would.

50 to hippie? 50 to jam? DOPE!


Anonymous said...

you mean ollie on the box then jam not 50 jam

Anonymous said...

yeah that was van. he kills it hella hard. i had footy of him that was just sitting on my comp and he had already moved away to so cal. =/. sucks, he was a pretty gnarly guy. get at me bighead when u wanna skate.


Anonymous said...

i like the kingpin sticker @ 2:12