I don't know if you have ever spoken to Brandon Getty personally but that dude is an angry man. There is all types of aggression and misplaced rage in that 6 foot slender frame. I decided to do a double feature on this dude too. If you don't know by now, Brandon is currently attending UC Santa Cruz and putting a little more focus on his future. That fool is a Banana Slug. I'm a Bulldog so I guess I make that dude look Hella gay. Sorry lost my focus there, Brandon is still a beast on a skateboard and definitely still part of the Slip Skate Shop family. Even after skating with this dude so much it's very easy to describe the experience as amazing! ROLL THE CLIPS!
derby derb der de d from brandon getty on Vimeo.
So this first clip was a little bit of footage from Brandon out at the legendary derby park in SC. Fun park to say the least. The other darker toned human being is Sean (or shawn, or shean, or shhhh-hawn I don't know how dude spells his name... actually let me check... I was right SEAN!) and he rips too.
This next clip is pretty old though, Brandon is going to be bummed I posted it.
Okay so the date on this is December 12, 2006. I'm trying to tell you guys that Getty is a bad man. So do me a favor, go there and skate that spot and go to those tables. Those wooden ass tables. Go there and get scared to try the bs nosegrind bs 180 out. Then feel bad because Brandon did that shit over two years ago.
Brandon Getty...
Thats a bad man ladies and gentlemen
oh yeah, and check his blog out too. Its in the links to the right. Click Shooting Daggers for more gnar for your buck! or actually poetry for your buck but whatevs.
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