Tuesday, March 30, 2010





Still happening from RIDING SHOTGUN on Vimeo.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cause I felt like it.

I had a lot of unused footage just sitting around, and didn't' really know what to do with it. I film a lot of random things, and this is the love child of all those things. enjoy, or don't.

Friday, March 19, 2010

so young, so much style

It's been so fun to watch this kid grow up. When I first met Austen he was this little grom that tried so hard. He would try so hard, and sometimes he came up short. No matter what he still had the best attitude whether he landed it or not. Now when I watch Austen it's totally different. Though he still hasn't even come close to growing into his body he looks carefree and comfortable on a skateboard. More comfortable than I could ever hope to be. He kills whatever is in front of him with biggest smile on his face. The type of smile that exudes confidence and pure enjoyment. You can tell he just enjoys being out there on his skateboard.


Filming in Progress

don't sleep on the kid

Sunday, March 14, 2010

old spots, young dudes.

It really sucks being hurt. Especially when the weather is perfect for skateboarding. Instead of mopping about the weather and my bum ankle, I decided to meet up with some friends. I also decided I'd pick up a couple of the young dudes to take them to some spot they may have never skated.

The old dudes will notice this spot right away. It used to be called the Barnes and Noble ledge, but these days its the "world market ledge." It was really dope to see the young guys skating such a vintage spot. I'm sure Ras Boi has some quality commentary and background on all the gnarly shit that went down on this ledge.

I've heard legends of Nick J getting in on this spot, but then again there isn't too many spots that dude hasn't left a mark on.

Thanks to Corey, Jesse, and Nate for the good sesh. My mom hella bought them pizza.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Firing Blanks 4

This is Jerry. He gets free boards from TDG now. Young Spanos loc, mi amigo, and the originator of the spanos beam.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Know your history!

click the photo to see the entire spread... FCCU DOOR GAP!

Thanks for the heads up brandon.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Firing Blanks Episode 3

I remember I asked Tony to try something one day and he replied.

"That's dangerous."