I haven't known Alexis too long, but I can say that the kid is definitely has all the makings of a legit skaterat. When I first met this kid he was on right away. He came up to me and asked, "Your riding shotgun right," This dude is up on all the local skaters, and looks up to them rather than the big professional names that are so often looked up to. The best part about this kid is that he is only 10 I believe (If I'm wrong I apologize!!!!). He is already taking snaps and video too.
So for all you dudes out there just peeping the site from the outside... You should be looking up to this kid. He's more likely younger than you and contributing the website. Kids young but he has a bright future in the scene!
Max is personally one of my favorite skateboarders to watch in town. This dude really does wreck mini-ramps with an array of both skilled and awkward maneuvers. This is just one of them!
For those of you who are not familar with Slap Magazine's One In a million contest,It is a video contest for the average joe schmoe to post up a video in hopes of being selected to go on a road trip and eventually be chosen to get free gear for a year.
This video was Laniohan's entry. This year was a surprisingly good year for the 209. Alex Lopez made the honorable mention montage, and Schuyler Ricketts, Chuy Madrgrigal, and Adam Emery made it to the finals. You can acutally vote on those dudes vids on slapmagazine.com right now!!!
Kenny Osborne is the type of skateboarder that will get footage no matter where you skate. Anytime we go to a spot it is almost a certainty that he is leaving with a clip. Because of this, the footage stacks up quickly. This is just a bunch of stuff that will not make the next slip video.